**Wilderness Challenge 2025 is planned for October 3rd, 4th, & 5th**
There is some exciting new changes coming this year
Stay Tuned
About Wilderness Challenge:
Wilderness Challenge Camp was established in 2002 as a replacement for the Eastwinn Scout Camp which brings Scout groups together in the fall to do a series of activities over a weekend. Thought of as a great opportunity to promote Scouting, Wilderness Challenge Camp was created from the beginning give new members of scouting a taste of what Scouting is all about while providing a great time for returning members and teaching new skills along the way. Over the years we have added Cubs and Guiders to the camp have grown into an annual fall camp with nearly 300 Cubs, Scouts, Guiders and leaders attending yearly.
Our mission still remains the same after these years, to make sure that youth start their year off with fun!
Wilderness Challenge is open to Cubs, Scouts, Guides and Pathfinders.
It is held at Camp Amisk, located on Waverley Street, across from Le Barriere Park. Camp Amisk is a Wilderness Camp and as such does not have any water, electrical service or garbage pickup.
For any questions, email: