Participant Registration and Fees

Participant Registration and Fees


The camp registration this year is $124 (includes GST) per participant (Cub Scout, Leader, Parent helper).

Participant registration link will appear in the right side when registration is open. Please complete all information fields per participant. Once your group registration is submitted you will receive confirmation by email.

Groups are responsible to ensure all Scouters are active in, and all Parent helpers attending camp have completed all Scouts Canada Parent Helper requirements for be permitted to attend camp: How to register a parent helper

Parent helper requirements and training are available through your family account login.

For every participant at Ice Cap, please complete and print these forms and retain hard copies of the forms by your group's primary Ice Cap contact Scouter who is required to carry youth, leader and parent emergency contact & medical forms at all times (see Forms and Documents):

Note: Parents attending camp cannot be used to meet Scouts Canada supervision ratio's. Parents and their youth may also be required to sleep away from their groups in separate cabins with other parents and youth.